IUD Clinic

Windermere Plaza Medical Clinic is proud to offer an IUD Clinic run by female family physicians. We strive to provide quality information about IUDs and rapid access to IUD placement, including emergency contraception (copper IUDs). We also offer pap tests, IUD removals, testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and endometrial biopsies (if indicated). Our physicians are also trained in Nexplanon (contraceptive implant) insertions and removals.
Ask your family physician to refer you to our clinic. Our referral form can be found here. If you do not have a family physician, you can call or text us at 780-466-6236 to book your own appointment.
If you are booked for an IUD insertion, please read the Before Your Appointment section below.
Please note that missed appointments or those cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice will be subject to a fee.
Information about
In Canada, there are two types of IUDs available: progestin-containing IUDs (also known as IUS, or intrauterine systems) and copper IUDs. IUDs are a very effective, long-acting, and reversible form of birth control. They are T-shaped devices that are placed in the uterus by a physician through a simple office procedure.
The progestin-containing IUD is 99.8% effective in preventing pregnancy (2 in 1000 women each year will get pregnant with a progestin-containing IUD). It contains a small amount of hormone, which is released locally in the uterus. It does not contain any estrogen and therefore is safe to use in women who have been told they cannot take estrogen for medical reasons.
Copper IUDs are 99.2% effective in preventing pregnancy (8 in 1000 women each year will get pregnant each year with a copper IUD). They do not contain hormones.
The IUD can be removed at anytime if a person wishes to become pregnant.
Additional Resources:
Society of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists of Canada
Dr. Kristina Dervaitis, an OBGYN in Ontario​, has a thorough and informative YouTube channel and Instagram account dedicated to breaking down misconceptions and spreading facts about intrauterine contraception
YouTube: “Talking IUC With Dr. D”
Instagram @dr_dervaitis​
Types of IUDs
Can be used for up to 8 years for contraception or up to 5 years for endometrial protection
Decreases menstrual flow and cramping
Many people may stop having periods (this is not harmful for the body, as a period is only necessary if a woman is planning for pregnancy)
May be a good option if you have heavy, painful periods
The dose of progestin is much lower than in the birth control pill/patch/ring, so side effects like mood changes and weight gain are uncommon
Covered by almost all drug plans
Can be used for up to 5 years
Like the Mirena, the Kyleena also decreases menstrual flow and cramping and some people may stop having periods (though to a lesser degree than with the Mirena)
Smaller size and slightly lower dose of progestin than the Mirena
Covered by almost all drug plans
Copper IUD
Can be used for up to 5 years
You will still get your period at its usual frequency, but copper IUDs can make periods heavier, last longer, and increase menstrual cramps
People with heavy, painful periods should consider a progestin IUD if possible
Less expensive than progestin IUDs but are not covered by drug plans
Emergency Contraception
Copper IUDs can be used as emergency contraception, up to 7 days after unprotected sex, as long as you are not already pregnant
The copper IUD may prevent fertilization or implantation -- it the most effective form of emergency contraception but about 2 in 1000 people who use it for emergency contraception will still become pregnant
Note: Progestin-containing IUDs cannot be used for emergency contraception at this time, but emergency copper IUDs may be replaced by a progestin IUD at a follow-up visit
Booking Your Appointment
You may choose to see us for IUD consultation and return on another day for the insertion. You may also book appointments for IUD removals or replacements.
If you would like to have your IUD consultation and insertion done on the same day, one or more of the following conditions must be met:
You are on your period at the time of the appointment
OR -
You are not sexually active
OR -
You are within 7 days after the start of your normal menstrual period or have not had intercourse since the start of your last normal menstrual period
OR -
You have not had unprotected intercourse for 3 weeks prior to your appointment (this requires 100% use of condoms, or no missed doses of hormonal birth control)
Please inform us if you are postpartum (within 12 weeks of delivery or C-section) so that we may plan your appointment accordingly. We do not have child care available on-site.
Please note that in some cases, same-day insertion may not be possible due to medical reasons determined at the consultation appointment, and the IUD insertion will need to be rescheduled for another day.
Consider bringing a driver with you to your appointment. After the IUD insertion, some women can resume normal activities immediately, while others may need to reduce their activities for 1-2 days.
Before Your Appointment
For same-day consult & insertion appointments, please confirm that you are booked for both appointments and ensure that you arrive on time for the consult. If you are unsure of your appointment time, please call/text us.
Eat a snack about 1 hour prior to your appointment and take 800 mg of ibuprofen (please check with your family doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure if ibuprofen is safe for you to take).
Please do not urinate prior to your appointment as you will be providing a urine sample before your IUD insertion.
Please bring a menstrual pad with you to your appointment as you can expect some bleeding after IUD insertion.
​​We want to ensure that you receive the IUD that is the best fit for you -- if your family physician has provided you with an IUD prescription, we recommend that you wait until your consultation with us before purchasing your IUD, in case you change your mind after receiving more information.
What To Expect At Your Appointment
Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time, as you may need to complete some forms and provide a urine sample. Bring your provincial health care card and a piece of photo ID.
​Although the IUD insertion only takes a few minutes, the entire process for same-day consultation and insertion will take 1-1.5 hours. This includes:
Counselling from our nurse or physician regarding your birth control options
Filling your prescription for the IUD at a nearby pharmacy and returning to the clinic
Staying in the clinic for observation for 15-20 minutes after your IUD is placed
If you have already had a consultation with the nurse or physician, the entire process for IUD insertion will take about 30-45 minutes.
Cancellation Policy & Missed Appointments
If you are not able to attend your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible. Other patients who are waiting would appreciate using the time with the doctor if you no longer need it.
Missed appointments or those cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice will be subject to a $50 (for consults) or $100 (for insertions) fee.
What is RAICE?

Windermere Plaza Medical Clinic is a member of RAIICE (Rapid Access IUD and Implant Centres of Excellence). RAIICE is a network of clinics and health care providers across Canada who are experts in IUD insertion and care.
RAIICE clinics must meet the following criteria:
Have an expert IUD insertion team
Accept patients making their own appointments without referral by their health care provider
Appointments for IUD discussion and insertion made quickly
Offer training in their communities to the public and/or to other health care providers
Are committed to continuously improving the care they provide
Must provide to the copper IUD as emergency contraception
Visit www.raiice.ca for more information.